Got this from megsy. I say this is how multiply answers the "survey" phenomenon of friendster.
* in the 8 facts, you share 8 things that your readers don’t know about you. at the end, you tag as much other bloggers to keep the fun going. each blogger must post these rules first.
* each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
1. I used to eat rice with FRESH eggs and a pinch of salt to flavor. When I was 5, that was my favorite meal. and I also "drink" FRESH eggs straight. I just crack a bit of an egg's shell, sprinkle some salt, and mix the concoction with a toothpick. Weird. No wonder I was as fat as the "Kung Fu Panda" then..hehehe...
2. I had an eye operation when I was in second year college (twas a sem break and just a few days of recuperation)...some cyst...just benign...nothin serious...
3. I always thought I'd pursue a career related to the natural/basic sciences..guess what, I am in the math world! tsktsk...and i still feel i dont fit in.
4. I so fancied space when i was much much younger. I would so love looking at the sky on a clear, cloudless night and dream about going to the moon. i watched apollo 13 and contact several times. i aced a physics exam in college (prolly the only time na nagtop ako sa 80+ or so na class) when the topic was all about astronomy and cosmology...and nobody else might have remembered that...geez...When I die, I'd like to be buried in the evening so that I could say goodnight to the stars and they could see me finally being cradled to my eternal slumber.
5. I used to love the number 3. I dont know, I felt lucky with that number. Maybe psychological...
6. I was rushed to the hospital one time due to hyperventilation. And yes later was diagnosed with asthma. I used to have an inhaler but decided i should get on with my life without it. I still do get attacks though but very seldom.
7. I am good at hiding, and keeping secrets...let's say one of the best. ;)
8. I am bad at rejecting or refusing someone I dont like.
i TAG all of YOU! hehe...
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