Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Random Thoughts on the Jogging Lane

I wonder if I'd meet Zorro today. 9AM is not my usual run. And yeah the smell of Sunday morning! The oval is closed for vehicular traffic! ^_^
People run at different speeds. Some run fast, some run slow, even slower than those who walk. This old man run passed me, I felt the wind brush against my face as he sped off until the curve. Stocky old man, how come he runs that fast? Upon reaching the other side of the Sunken Garden, I saw him walking. Speed is one thing, endurance is another.
Cute how some dad taught his kid how to bike. I never learned when I was a kid. I wonder if I need someone to teach me. Or learn it by myself again like my other lessons in life... and get hurt along the way?
Maybe most of us have felt how it's like to have mixed emotions: happy but sad at the same time, warm but very distant, inspired yet crushed. It has always been like that for me....
I wish i could just write everything but it seems that at some point, my emotions can't leave the comforts of my own thoughts. I know it's best at times to let it all out but it feels safer that way. Indifference and oblivion can be our very best allies. It doesn't mean I don't feel anything though. I feel. A lot...
Resilience was last week's lesson. I wish to master such.
One-two-three-breathe. One-two-three-breathe. And that was two rounds.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Inception Drama

Random Thoughts From Way Back When

Get some sleep, Sheli!


Indifference and oblivion can be our very best allies. It doesn't mean I don't feel anything though. I feel. A lot...


Maybe most of us have felt how it's like to have mixed emotions: happy but sad at the same time, warm but very distant, inspired yet crushed. It has always been like that for me.... if "Love's crash test dummy" would be a valid profession, then that i can be.


There is nothing else beyond the period.


I hate how I'll never be someone you could love.


A smile will stop all the questions. I don't have to explain myself to anyone at all. Perfect!


Wake up, Sheli!